eLearn Support

ICON eLearn Modules Training Site

An online self-service training site for the eLearn modules (including attendance, student reporting, pastoral care, community portal), is available for staff in ICON schools via this link.

ICON Support Documentation

ICON eLearn support documentation can be found in the eLearn folder in the ICON Support Resources Google drive.  

ICON Academic Report Samples

CEO Literacy Collection

CEO Literacy Collection guide for collection of results in eSIS. FAQs regarding this process can be found here.

The videos below outline the critical stages of the process:

Schools using nForma can use the following guide to upload literacy data.


For support, school staff can contact the service desk any time via email at ictsupport@macs.vic.edu.au or via phone 03 9267 0422 between 8.00am–5.30 pm.