ICON Consultants

eAdmin Consultants

ICON eAdmin Consultants are subject matter experts in eSIS, eFIN and eHR including end of month and end of year processes.

eLearn Consultants

The ICON eLearn Consultants are subject matter experts in the ICON ePortal and the eSIS 'eLearn' modules eg. attendance, student semester reporting, pastoral care, and Community Portal including excursions & parent-teacher interviews. They also have expertise in how student data within eSIS is provided to other third-party applications such as The Insight Assessment Platform

ICON Consultants Support

School Support Incidents

Our ICON Consultants are available to address support incidents logged in Heat that the ICTSupport Team cannot resolve. We collaborate closely with schools to address their issues and escalate them to technical teams when needed.

Service Requests from School Staff

Our consultants utilising their business expertise and knowledge of ICON applications, provide guidance on best practice, identify operational improvements related to ICON applications and work with schools and technical teams to implement necessary changes. We also monitor feedback from schools and recommend updates to ICON applications in accordance with business policies and guidelines. Additionally, we assist schools with the implementation of any changes to ICON applications.

Onsite Support for Schools

ICON Consultants will consider requests for onsite support in the following cases:

Our goal is to ensure that all schools have the support they need to effectively use ICON applications. If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

Where school staff have a specific request for support from ICON Consultants they contact the ICT Support  by phone or email and log a Service Request with the eAdmin or eLearn Consultant team.


For ICON school support, you can contact the service desk any time via email at ictsupport@macs.vic.edu.au or via phone 03 9267 0422 between 8.00am–5.30 pm.