Most excursions should be managed in SynWeb using the Excursion module.
The Excursions module is designed to allow schools to:
set up excursions, camps and trips
seek approval for the event to proceed
define consent requirements and what should be shown on the camp/excursion
request consent from parents
accept payment for the excursion or trip
integrate with absences and attendances.
Creating an Excursion
Select the Students tab from the menu on the dashboard in Synweb
Select Excursion Maintenance from the drop down box:
The Excursion search criteria box will be displayed
Click New to create a new excursion:
The Create New Excursion box will be displayed.
Give your excursion a code and description e.g 7Sci Zoo:
Select the Type of excursion from the drop down box
Select the Organiser from the drop down box
Click Save:
The details of the excursion can now be added. Once the details have been added these need to be saved
Click on the Save icon at the top right of the page:
Add or delete organisers for the excursion using the Organisers tab. Organisers would normally be teachers but may include support staff
Click New to add organisers
Once created organisers can be deleted by clicking on the Delete icon
The main organiser can be allocated using the Edit icon:
Other community members e.g. other staff members, support staff or parents can be added to the excursion here either one at a time (Click New) or in bulk (Click Bulk Add Attendees):
The Update of details tab allows excursion organisers to request that parents update information about attendees before the excursion occurs
These details could include dietary requirements, emergency contact information, medical details and more
Specific requirements can be added (Click New) and deleted (Click the Delete icon):
The Consent tab allows organisers to set up online approval for excursions by parents
The Overall Consent box allows organisers to select the text of the message requiring overall consent for the excursion:
The Excursion Consent box allows excursion-specific consent to be requested e.g. to allow students to participate in swimming.
Click New to add excursion-specific consent:Â
The type of notifications to be sent to attendees and their parents can be selected using the checkboxes on the Notifications tab.
Once selected the text to be included can be added along with the means of sending the notification e.g. SMS, email:
Students attending an excursion can be assigned to Groups and Sub-groups using the Groups tab
This can include bus groups, activity groups or any other type of group required
To create a new group or sub-group, click New and select the type of group from the drop down menu
Click Add
Once students have been marked as Attending the excursion they can be allocated to groups and sub-groups:
Organisers can create a bulk absence event for all students attending the excursion using the Absences tab once they have consent to attend. This is needed to indicate the students are attending an excursion so they are not marked as an unexplained absence by any other teachers during the day. Attendance rolls can be marked on the day of the excursion using the Attendance tab. Rolls can be created for the entire group or according to the groups that have been created on the Groups tab.
On the day supervisors can mark the roll by clicking on Mark Attendance. Note: the data from this attendance roll does NOT flow back into eSIS and the attendance will still need to be confirmed in eSIS/SynWeb.
Checking consent for excursions
Community Portal: Excursions
The excursion tab of the Community Portal can be used by parents to view their child's excursions. After an excursion has been set up in SynWeb and published to the portal, parents and guardians can log in to confirm the status of their child's attendance. This may include updating personal and medical details and making payment for tickets as well as giving overall consent for the excursion.
The Consents tab is used to view and maintain consent information for attendees including:
consent to attend the excursion
excursion-specific consents
general consents.
Checking consent for excursions in SynWeb
Select Excursion Maintenance from the Students tab in SynWeb:
The Set Excursion Search Criteria window is displayed:
Search for the excursion
Click the Attendees bar
Review the Consent column to determine which students have consent to attend the excursion:
It is also possible for organisers of excursions to manually add consent using the Attendees tab.
Select the student for whom consent to attend the excursion has been provided.
Scroll down to the bottom of the student names
Complete the fields as required:
Sending reminders to parents/guardians
To remind parents/guardians to provide consent for excursions:
Select the Notifications bar
Tick the checkbox underneath Consent Reminders
Add the text to be included with the message
Select the method of contact
Select the time for the message to be sent.