Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parent teacher interviews (PTI) can be set up and scheduled through eSIS.
Once a PTI cycle is set up, school administrators can allocate parents to sessions in eSIS. Parents can then book interviews themselves through the Community Portal interface.
eSIS allows you to maintain information required to schedule and conduct parent teacher interviews.
Parent Teacher interviews in eSIS consist of:
A cycle is a set of related sessions. E.g. Interviews for Year 5 & 6 students might be held as one cycle with a morning and an afternoon session OR interviews for Year 7 & 8 students might consist of one cycle consisting of 4 sessions over 2 days
Sessions are the blocks of time that teachers are available for interviews. Each session has a date and start and finish times. Each PTI cycle will have at least one session associated with it
Time slots
These are the units of time into which sessions are broken into in order to allocate a parent/student to a teacher. The length of each time slot is defined when the session is created. e.g. each interview for Year 7 & 8 students might be 5 minutes long.
Setting up Parent Teacher Interviews
To create a new PTI cycle:
Select Parent Teacher Interview Maintenance from the Students module.
In the Set Parent Teacher Interview Search Criteria window click New
The Create PTI Cycle window is displayed.
Create a code for the PTI cycle
Add a description
Complete the details for the File Type, Year and Semester
Click Finish.
Creating Parent Teacher Interview Sessions
You will now be prompted to enter the session details.
You will then be taken to the Parent Teacher Interview Maintenance screen with the cycle just created displayed.
Click Add… on the Sessions tab of the Parent Interview Maintenance window to add extra sessions.
Repeat this process until you have all the required sessions for the cycle entered.
The General tab of the Parent Teacher Interview Maintenance window is used to maintain summary information about the PTI cycle.
Cycle options allow different booking configurations to be set. These include:
Allow slot per class: If selected this allows parents to book as many time slots as their student has classes with a specific staff member. E.g. if a student is taught by the same staff member for both Maths and Science the parents can book 2 time slots for that teacher.
Contiguous bookings: Selecting this option forces contiguous or adjoining timeslot bookings were multiple bookings for the same teacher are allowed
Appointments per staff: Allows parents to select additional bookings per teacher
Multiple Appointments per staff: Limits how many lots of multiple appointments per teacher may be made per parent
The Active Cycle checkbox should be cleared when the PTI cycle is no longer active.
Adding Year Levels to a Parent Teacher Interview Session
To add year levels to a Parent Teacher Interview Session:
On the Sessions tab, click Add in the Year Levels Attending this Session area.
Select the Year Levels to add in the Parent Teacher Interview Sessions - Add Year Levels to Session window
If the staff for that Year Level are to be added automatically make sure the Add Staff for these Year Levels check box is ticked
Click OK.
Add Staff
Normally staff teaching a year level are added automatically when new sessions are added for the year level they teach. To manually select and deselect staff for a specific session use the Parent Teacher Interview Session Staff window
This window allows users to:
Select one or more staff members to be included in a session
Select rooms in which staff members will conduct interviews
Copy rooms used in other sessions
Exclude a staff member from a session
Exclude a staff member from specific time slots within a session
To access the Parent Teacher Interview Session Staff window
Click on Staff button on the Sessions tab of Parent Teacher Interview Maintenance.
Add staff members in bulk
All the staff from a particular year level can be added at the same time
Click Bulk Add
Select the Year Level to add staff from
Click OK.
Assigning staff to rooms
Staff can be assigned to a specific room by selecting the room from the drop down list next to the staff member’s name in the Parent Teacher Interview Session Staff window.
If staff are to be assigned the same rooms as in previous sessions (from the same or a different cycle) the rooms can be copied using the Copy Rooms button
Rooms can also be overwritten in the current session.
Changing staff availability
Staff can be made unavailable for a specific session by removing the tick in the check box in the Available column next to their name
If a staff member is unavailable for part of a session (or if staff are allocated different dinner breaks for example) particular time slots can be selected by clicking the Availability button
Deselect the times specific staff members are available.
To remove a staff member completely from a session highlight the name of the staff member and click the Delete button.
The Schedule Tab
The Schedule tab is used to maintain schedules for parent teacher interview sessions for a given cycle.
The Parent Teacher interviews for the session are displayed in a grid showing staff and time slots. Parents/Guardians are displayed along with the student’s preferred name. Any time slots for which the teacher is unavailable are coloured light grey.
Set the Community Portal Display From and To Dates
To select the dates that the Parent Teacher Interview session is visible on the Community Portal, it is necessary to define these dates in the system.
To define the dates:
Go to Parent Teacher Interview Maintenance > Sessions tab > Modify Times
Enter the relevant dates for parent teacher interview information to be available for viewing on the Community Portal.
Note: If the ‘From’ date is after the Community Portal Open date, then what is shown on the Community Portal will depend on what is ticked under ‘Before Session Opens:’
Set the Community Portal Open and Closing Dates
In some cases, schools may prefer to open the Community Portal before parents can book appointments to allow parents to view the times available and then the school can make bookings available a week (or some time) later.
To do this:
Go to Parent Teacher Interview Maintenance > Sessions Tab
Enter the relevant dates for bookings to open and close.
Note: It is possible to leave the 'Open Date' empty provided there is a date entered in the Community Portal Display From and To fields (as above).
Scheduling a Parent-Teacher Interview
To create a Parent Teacher Interview, select the Session to add the interview to from the drop down list of sessions:
Select the Contact/Student to schedule by clicking on the Par/Stu button.
The Contact/Student Search window will be displayed:
Enter Search criteria for the student or parent contact
Click Refresh Grid
The Contact/Student Search window is displayed with contacts based on your search criteria
Highlight the contact to schedule
Click OK.
The selected contact and their associated student/s will be displayed in the Parent/Student area of the Schedule tab:
Assign an interview time by selecting the appropriate student by clicking on their name in the parent/student grid
Double-click on a free time slot in the grid for the required staff member
The booking should appear in the time slot
Bookings can be moved by clicking on the appointment an dragging it to a different time slot
Bookings can be deleted by clicking on the booking and clicking the Delete button on the keyboard
Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes in the window that appears.
A second appointment can be added for the same contact/teacher combination if required to create a longer interview
Once created a dialogue box to confirm the second interview will appear
Click Yes to confirm.
It is also possible to book appointments with multiple teachers at the same time
Create an additional appointment/s at the same time for the additional teacher/s
Once created a warning message will appear explaining that an interview already exists for the student with another teacher at the same time
Click Yes to schedule concurrent appointments.