Making Reports available to parents
Showing Reports in Community Portal
Reports can be made available in the Community Portal for families to see via the DocMan tab. If configured correctly reports can automatically be uploaded to the DocMan tab for each student automatically.
Before archiving student reports:
Open Configuration File Maintenance from the System tab in eSIS:
In the Find box type studentreportsprint:
Find the results that list Archive in the Key2 column:
Of these find the two with the Description and StoreInDocMan listed under Key3
The Value field for the Description should be set to Reports archived for {FileSemester}/{File Year}
The Value field for the StoreInDocMan should be set to True
Other items can be set if needed.
Go to Lookup Table Maintenance in System
Use the Search box to find ludocumentclassification:
Find Reports in the Code column
Make sure the SynergyMeaning column for this entry reads StudentReports
Make sure the CommPortalVisibleforStudentParentFlag is ticked.
The student reports are coverted to pdf files and are saved in the ArchivePath directory. The ArchivePath setting is used to set the archive path for PDF Files for archived student reports. The recommended format is \\Server\StudentReportsArchive. Note that files being archived cannot have the characters \ / : * ? " < > | in their names. These characters are replaced with underscores (_) during the archiving process.
Archiving Student Reports
The Archive Path
The following video demonstrates how schools can set their archive path for the storage of student reports:
Before archiving it is important to ensure the archive path is set correctly for your school. Once this has been completed:
Go to the Assess module and select Print Student Reports:
Set the Student Reports Search Criteria by selecting the required options from the drop down menus
Reports can be previewed one at a time by selecting a student by name, or by Year Level or Form as needed
Click OK
The Sort Order window defines the order in which the reports are printed/viewed
Items can be moved up or down in the order if needed using the arrows to the right
When finished, click OK:
The Student Reports grid is displayed:
For an individual student:
Double click on the student you want to archive the report for
For the entire group:
Click on Process All to archive reports for all students displayed:Â
The Print Student Reports window for the selected student is displayed:
Select which items to include
Select Archive or Store archive in Database to save the combined file in the DocMan tab for the student/s:
Click Process All to archive the selected reports: