Setting up Academic Reports

Setting up student reports

In ICON, schools have access to a range of reporting templates for use with assessment and reporting. These templates are largely customisable by schools as needed. This guide is designed to support staff (with appropriate access in eSIS), to set up student assessment and reporting for the school by modifying the templates available.

A copy of the student report templates can be found here.

Before setting up reports, it is important for users to understand the definitions used by Synergetic for assessment and reporting.

Subject Assessments are administered in Subject Assessment Maintenance. They are created according to a class or subject and contain the Subject Assessment Areas which are the items teachers will report on.

Copying Assessment Templates

A number of templates are provided for schools to copy to assist with the setting up of reports. These can be copied and modified to suit the needs of the school. Alternatively, reporting coordinators can set up their school's reports from scratch.

The following video explains the difference between the two main types of templates, the general template and the specialist template:

Academic Reporting - 03 - Main and Specialist.mp4

To copy the included templates:

The Subject Assessment Maintenance window is shown displaying all assessment areas: 

Generic assessment templates have been developed for ICON eSIS. These generic templates have AAA at the beginning of their code.

The templates provided to schools can be found in the Summary window on the top of the left panel in the Subject Assessment Maintenance window.

Your school's reports can be built using these templates as a starting point. The instructions below relate to the creation of reports from these templates. Schools requiring statement-based reporting can find instructions for this on the Statement-based Reports page. Note that it is also possible to create your reports from scratch, without using the templates provided.

The two main templates are named AAA_GEN, providing a template for General reports, and AAA_SP, for a typical Specialist report. These two templates can be used as a starting point to produce different student reports, samples of which have been provided on the ICON Implementation site. By customising the templates provided, a wide range of options is possible. 

Select the template required to begin customising your school report. 

IMPORTANT: Do NOT edit the AAA templates directly. Schools will need to make a copy of the AAA templates to create their own reports.

Make a copy of the required template. To do this:

The assessment area has now been copied for your school and you can now make modifications as needed. 

The process will need to be repeated for each different report required.

The template will now appear in the Summary window:

It is now possible to make changes to the template to create a report for the specified year level/s based on the specific requirements of the school.

The Assessment Areas are listed in the Assessment Area window beneath the Summary window. ICON provides a number of sample assessment areas that can be deleted, copied and/or modified as required.

Once the Assessment Area has been selected, changes can be made in the main window of Subject Assessment Maintenance (on the right) using the tabs provided:  

The Summary Tab

The Area Tab

The process of creating a basic subject assessment is summarised in the following video: 

Academic Reporting - 01 - Creating a Basic Subject Assessment.mp4

Delete an Assessment Area

It is also possible to delete Assessment Areas if these are not required in the report.

Note: It is not possible to delete an Assessment Area if data has already been entered for that Assessment Area. Results will need to be removed first and then the Assessment Area deleted.

Add a new subject assessment

It is also possible to add a new Subject Assessment.

It is also possible to copy a Subject Assessment Area

There are three parts required when creating a new Subject Assessment Area:

For each Subject Assessment Area required:

This links the assessment to the relevant strand of the Victorian curriculum and allows students to be assessed against the appropriate standards.

Order of Assessment Areas

The Seq number in the Subject Assessment Selector window describes the order of Assessment Areas in SynWeb (as seen by the teachers when entering assessment results. This is NOT the order of subjects on the report itself. This order can be changed via the LookUp Table):

Adding the template to a class

Once the report has been created it is then necessary to allocate it to a specific class (so that reports for that class use the newly created template).

Previewing Reports

There are two methods to preview reports for ICON schools. For those with access to eSIS it is possible to preview the look and feel of reports using the Assess > Print Student Reports function.

Previewing Reports in eSIS

To preview reports, click on the Assess tile and select Print Student Reports from the drop down menu:

The Sort Order window will appear.

The Sort Order window defines the order in which the reports are printed/viewed

It may take some time for the report to be generated. 

Previewing Reports in SynWeb

Teachers can preview the content of a student's report or results for a class using the SSRS function available in SynWeb. To access the results:

The TeacherProof_SSRS report allows teachers to view the results for all students in a selected class. The TeacherProofStudent_SSRS allows a teacher to preview the results of one student at a time.

Note: These reports only provide a summary of the content of the report, not the 'look and feel'. Only users with appropriate eSIS access will be able to view the report as it will appear when printed or viewed online by parents. These could be saved in pdf format and made available to teachers for viewing/proof-reading before being uploaded to the Community portal and/or printed for parents.