Statement-based Reporting

Creating Assessment Areas for statements

Before creating a statement, a Result Group must be created to group the statements under the one heading. For example, if statements are to be created for English under the Reading and Viewing strand, a new Result Group called Reading and Viewing must be created in the Lookup tables. For English, it will be necessary to create three different result groups, one for each Strand within English: Reading and Viewing, Speaking and Listening and Writing.

To create a new Result Group:

Setting up Statement-based reports

Setting up statement-based reports requires a separate report set up for each section of the report. In most cases this will mean that each subject will need to have its own report created and then each statement is set up within the subject as a separate assessment area.

Setting up a subject

The Subject Assessment Maintenance window is shown displaying all assessment areas: 

Once the subject area and Result Groups have been created, the different assessment areas (representing the different statements) need to be created. To do this:

The Create New Subject Assessment window will appear: 

In the Create New Subject Assessment Area window:

To change the wording for Progress Indicators:

In the example above, note the text begins with a comma ',' followed by 'One' and then a pipe '|' and then the words 'Not Yet Evident'. This means that a teacher entering results for a student will choose from a drop down menu where the first option is 'One' and on the student's report this will display as 'Not Yet Evident'. The pattern is then repeated for the remaining indicators. i.e. If a teacher selects 'Two' from the drop down menu, the student's report will display 'Working Towards Expected Standard'.

It is possible to change both what the teacher sees when entering data in SynWeb and how this selection is displayed on the student's report.

To change what the teacher sees:

Please note: Currently there is a 10 character limit on the words that appear on the student report for the progress indicators. There is also a two line limit. Therefore phrases such as 'Working Towards Expected Standard' will not fit and parents will only see 'Working Towards as the remaining words fit onto a third and/or fourth line. It may be necessary for schools to re-word their progress indicators to avoid words being split and/or not appearing on reports due to the line limit.

Adding the wording for the statements

Once the Result Group and Result Type drop down menus have been set, the Heading and Overview for the statement can be set. To do this:

This process now needs to be repeated for each statement required for each subject at each year level. Once completed, it is possible to test your statements by entering some 'dummy data' and previewing a report.