Statement-based Reporting
Creating Assessment Areas for statements
Before creating a statement, a Result Group must be created to group the statements under the one heading. For example, if statements are to be created for English under the Reading and Viewing strand, a new Result Group called Reading and Viewing must be created in the Lookup tables. For English, it will be necessary to create three different result groups, one for each Strand within English: Reading and Viewing, Speaking and Listening and Writing.
To create a new Result Group:
Click on the System tile in eSIS:
Search for luReportResultGroup
At the bottom of the window click Add:
Enter an appropriate code for the Result Group e.g. ENGRV
Add the Description e.g. Reading and Viewing
Adding a number in the Sort Order column tells the report package what order to use when placing the Result Groups on the report page. Ensure the number chosen is between the numbers for surrounding Result Groups:
Setting up Statement-based reports
Setting up statement-based reports requires a separate report set up for each section of the report. In most cases this will mean that each subject will need to have its own report created and then each statement is set up within the subject as a separate assessment area.
Setting up a subject
Click on Assess from the eSIS menu
Select Subject Assessment Area Maintenance from the drop down menu:
Select the file type as Academic
Select the Year
Select the Semester
Click OK
The Subject Assessment Maintenance window is shown displaying all assessment areas:
Once the subject area and Result Groups have been created, the different assessment areas (representing the different statements) need to be created. To do this:
Right-click in the Assessment Area window
Select New from the drop down menu. If subject areas have already been created it may be easier to right-click and select New. This will pre-populate information and allow you to make changes as required. This is useful if the new subject area is similar to one that has already been created.
The Create New Subject Assessment window will appear:
In the Create New Subject Assessment Area window:
Select the appropriate Result Group from the drop down menu (If an appropriate Result Group is not in the drop down menu, one must be created as described above)
Select the appropriate (usually Progress Indicators Box 5 - remember the reporting guidelines require a minimum of a 5 point scale for teacher judgements). If the wording of the descriptors for the Progress indicators is not appropriate, these can also be changed in the Lookup tables.
To change the wording for Progress Indicators:
Open Lookup Tables Maintenance as above
Search for luReportResultType
Scroll down to the required set of indicators e.g. PROGIND5BOX
Double-click on the set of indicators to open the Edit Mask window
The Edit Mask window will be displayed:
In the example above, note the text begins with a comma ',' followed by 'One' and then a pipe '|' and then the words 'Not Yet Evident'. This means that a teacher entering results for a student will choose from a drop down menu where the first option is 'One' and on the student's report this will display as 'Not Yet Evident'. The pattern is then repeated for the remaining indicators. i.e. If a teacher selects 'Two' from the drop down menu, the student's report will display 'Working Towards Expected Standard'.
It is possible to change both what the teacher sees when entering data in SynWeb and how this selection is displayed on the student's report.
To change what the teacher sees:
In the Edit Mask window, replace the 'One', 'Two' etc with the text required remembering that this is the text the teacher will see on SynWeb. For consistency remember to order the options from left to right from lowest achievement on the left to highest achievement on the right.
Leave the comma, and pipe in the same positions
For example, if you would like the student report for lowest achievement to read Not Satisfactory and the teacher to see the number '1' in SynWeb for this choice, the Edit Mask window would start with: ,1|Not Satisfactory. This would be followed by the other options without spaces.
Please note: Currently there is a 10 character limit on the words that appear on the student report for the progress indicators. There is also a two line limit. Therefore phrases such as 'Working Towards Expected Standard' will not fit and parents will only see 'Working Towards as the remaining words fit onto a third and/or fourth line. It may be necessary for schools to re-word their progress indicators to avoid words being split and/or not appearing on reports due to the line limit.
Click Save
Close the Lookup table maintenance window and return to the Subject Assessment Maintenance window
Adding the wording for the statements
Once the Result Group and Result Type drop down menus have been set, the Heading and Overview for the statement can be set. To do this:
Click on the relevant Assessment Area in the window. By default you should be taken to the Area > Area window
The full wording of the statement can be added in the Overview box (use the Heading box if the statement is shorter:
Type the statement as you would like it to appear on the report
The Abbreviated Heading shows what teachers will see when entering data. Update this if needed.
Click OK or the Save icon
Ensure Show on Screen is ticked for teachers to be able to see the statement in SynWeb when entering results
Ensure Print on Report is selected to ensure the statement appears on the Student reports when generated:
This process now needs to be repeated for each statement required for each subject at each year level. Once completed, it is possible to test your statements by entering some 'dummy data' and previewing a report.