Cancelling Classes
Cancelling Classes
Classes may need to be cancelled at different times throughout the year when the regular timetable is disrupted without this time being recorded as an absence event for students. This could be due to:
sports days
school camps
Prep students attending half days at the start of the year.
Note: Whole days where no students attend schools (e.g. Curriculum Days) should be recorded using Calendar Events.
Cancelling a Single Class
SynWeb allows schools to cancel a single class in order to keep accurate attendance records.
To cancel a single class:
Open the Attendance Maintenance Search Criteria window by clicking on Attendance maintenance from the drop down menu in the Students module:
Select the Timetable Date and the School Staff Code for the class you want to cancel:
The timetable for that teacher for the given date will appear beneath the search criteria boxes.
Click on the red icon in the Cancel column
A message will appear asking if you are sure you want to cancel the class.
Click OK.
The class can be uncancelled by repeating the steps above.
Cancelling classes in bulk
To cancel more than one class at a time, it is necessary to use eSIS (Synergetic).Â
It is possible to:
simultaneously cancel all classes in a timetable group
filter the classes you want to cancel by certain criteria e.g. year level or teacher.
To cancel multiple classes:
Select Student Classes Bulk Cancel from the Students module:
The Bulk Add Classes Selection Screen is displayed
Enter the selection criteria for the classes you want to cancel (1)
Click OK
The Classes window is displayed with classes that fulfil your search criteria:
Use the arrows to move the classes to the right if they are to be bulk cancelled or to the left if they are NOT to be cancelled. The double headed arrows can be used to move all classes from one pane to another:
Click Accept and Create Cancellations... at the bottom of the window:
The Bulk Cancel Classes window is displayed.
Enter the Timetable Group (1), the first and last periods to be cancelled (3) and any comments (4) about the cancellation. To cancel classes for the whole day select Whole day event (2)
Click OK (4):
Click Yes to confirm
The classes will be cancelled and are listed in the Cancelled Classes window.
Click OK.
You will now have the option of cancelling more classes if needed.
A reverse bulk cancel can be performed by clicking Delete on the Bulk Add Classes - Selection Screen.
If the classes were not able to be cancelled a message will be displayed and the Classes window will be displayed
Cancelled classes will be displayed with a strikethrough in Attendance Maintenance: