Marking the Roll
Class Attendance
Teachers normally:
mark the roll in the morning and afternoon (primary schools)
mark student attendance in homeroom and for each class they take during the day (secondary schools)
Teachers will normally mark the roll in SynWeb but class attendance can also be completed on paper and sent to the administration officer (or teacher) responsible for attendance.
Attendance Officer/Teacher Mode
In Synweb there are two levels of access for teachers:
Attendance Officer: using this mode any reasons entered for absences are treated definitively in eSIS
Teacher: using this mode any reasons entered for absences are treated as possibilities in eSIS
By default in ICON, teachers will be given Attendance Officer mode.
Marking the roll for a timetabled class in SynWeb
In SynWeb teachers can mark students who are absent from their timetabled class/es and enter a reason to explain why a student is absent from class. It is also possible to mark a class for a different teacher.
The process for marking the roll in SynWeb is summarised in the video below followed by an explanation using screenshots:
To mark the attendance for your own timetabled class:
Log into the ICON ePortal to access Synweb:
SynWeb is accessed via a tile on the ICON ePortal dashboard:
The SynWeb dashboard is displayed:
The Synweb dashboard displays information as widgets on the dashboard.
In the example above, widgets display the teacher’s timetable, their allocated classes and a map widget which can be customised to display different maps. Widgets can be hidden by a teacher if they prefer not to see them on their dashboard.
The timetable widget displays the teacher’s timetable for a selected date. The default date will be today.
This widget is used for marking the roll and adding pastoral care incidents for a student in one of your timetabled classes:
In the Attendance column each timetabled class has a Mark icon displayed. If the roll is to be marked for a class it will appear as black with a white cross until clicked on:
If the Attendance icon has been clicked on but the roll has not been marked or if the time for marking the roll has passed, the icon will appear red with a white cross:
Once the roll has been completed the icon will change to green for that marking period:
If the roll does not need to be marked for that period (e.g. in a primary school the roll may only need to be marked in the morning and the afternoon) then the icon will be greyed out and cannot be clicked on. A message will appear indicating that the roll does not need to be marked for that time period:
To mark the roll for your own timetabled class:
Click on the Mark icon next to the correct roll marking period:
Mark ONLY the absent students in the class by checking the box to the left of each student’s record. Any students who have been recorded as a future absence will already be marked:
Scroll to the bottom of the class
Click Submit:
Click Yes to confirm that all students in the list provided are present in the class:
You will be taken to the Attendance Search Criteria window. Classes in bold have had the attendance taken for the period specified.
Click the Home button to return to your dashboard:
A tick in a green box appears when the marking for that period has been completed:
Slips will now have been created for any students who have been marked as Absent for that class. These records will need to be modified so that the slips can be superseded and the Absence Event Type confirmed. This step is essential for the correct marking of the roll and can be undertaken by the school's attendance officer or, if the school decides, by teachers (see the next section Recording Absence Events).
Re-marking the roll
If a mistake has been made with the marking of the roll it is possible to click back into the same session and mark the roll again following the same procedure.
Marking the roll for a different class in SynWeb
In SynWeb, teachers can also mark students who are absent from another class they are not timetabled to teach. For example, the Year 5 classroom teacher may be asked to mark the roll for the Year 6 class if the normal Year 6 classroom teacher is absent.
To do this:
Open Attendance Maintenance from within Synweb by clicking on the Students tab and selecting Attendance Maintenance from the drop down menu:
Find the class required by either searching for the class using the School Staff Code or Timetable Group:
Click on the relevant session:
OR by searching for the class using the Show All Classes Not Year Marked by a Staff Member option:
Tick Show all classes Not Yet Marked by a Staff Member
Click Timetable Group
Select Up to End of Period
Click on Period, Class, Description or Staff to open the attendance window and mark the roll as described above: