Creating a Pastoral Care Incident
Adding a Pastoral Care incident
Synweb is accessed via a tile on the ICON ePortal dashboard. Note: Teachers who are also parents of students in ICON schools will have one tile for Synweb access for their access as a teacher and another tile providing access to the Community Portal for each ICON school at which they have a child.
Click on the SynWeb tile for your school:
The Synweb dashboard is displayed:
The Synweb dashboard displays information as widgets on the dashboard. In the example above, widgets display the teacher’s timetable, their allocated classes and a map widget which can be customised to display different maps.
The timetable widget displays the teacher’s timetable for a selected date. The default date will be today. This widget is used for marking the roll and adding pastoral care incidents for a student in one of your timetabled classes.
Entering a pastoral care incident for a student in your class
Click on the blue Pastoral icon for the relevant class from your timetable:
A list of your students for that period is displayed:
Scroll to the student you wish to create a pastoral care incident for
Click on Create Incident to the far right of the student’s name:
The Pastoral Care new incident screen is now displayed:
On the left hand side, from the Classification drop down menu (1) select the most appropriate option from the list. This selection determines the grouping of the pastoral care incident and who has permission to view it. In this case, Pastoral Care - General indicating a non-confidential pastoral care incident visible to anyone wth access to pastoral care.
Select the Type of Pastoral Care incident from the drop down box (2). The Type drop down menu will be pre-populated in ICON but is fully customisable by the school.
Continue to select the most appropriate options from the drop down menus (Category, Class, Method, Initiator and Date).
Most drop down menus are customisable by the school
If the incident requires follow up, select Yes and choose the date for follow up
If the incident is Confidential select Yes:
The Details Tab
On the Details tab enter the details of the incident in the text boxes provided.
Anything included in the Public Details box will be included in any emails sent to nominated contacts for this incident. Private Details are not included in any emails sent.
When finished, click Apply:
The Contacts Tab
On the Contacts tab, select the contacts to be notified via the drop down menu
Click Add for each selection:
Anyone who needs to be notified and is not in the drop down menu can be added by selecting the Create button
Enter the name and the email address and click Add created contact:
To email the public details of the incident tick the email check box next to the required contacts
Click the Email Contacts button
The public details will be emailed to the selected contacts.
The Actions Tab
Select an appropriate Action from the drop down menu on the Actions tab
The actions available describe what should be done as a result of the incident (e.g. restorative justice session) and are based on the Type and category that have been selected in the previous drop down menus
The Actions available are customisable by the school
Click Add to add an action to the incident:
The Duplication Tab
The Duplication tab allows you to copy the pastoral care incident to other students selected from a tag list. Users will be able to duplicate incidents if they have the ability to create tag lists.
Select the students required from the tag list that appears in the duplication box
Click Duplicate to student/s and the pastoral care incident will be copied to their record:
The Documents Tab
The Documents tab allows you to add a document to the incident record, e.g. an image, a letter of apology
Click Attach Document
Select the document to be uploaded
Click Upload/Save Document
The document will appear in the Documents window:
The Comments Tab
Teachers can add, view, edit and delete comments regarding the incident in the Comments tab (unless the incident has been classified as confidential).
Click Add Comment underneath the comments box
Type your comment in the box
Click Add Comment at the bottom of the window
To edit a comment, click on the image of the pencil
To delete a comment, click the Delete icon:
Comments are date and time stamped.
To edit a comment, click on the image of the pencil:
Entering a pastoral care incident for a student who is NOT in your class
Click on the Students tab from the menu in Synweb
Select Pastoral Care Maintenance from the drop down menu:
Select the Search and Create tab
Enter the student’s name in the Student Search field
Click Search
Any student matching the search criteria will appear in the search results.
Click on the Create Pastoral Care Incident icon in the Create column to the far right of the student’s name
The Pastoral Care screen will appear allowing you to add the information required
Complete the details of the incident as for a student in your own class (see above).