ICON & Third Party Applications
ICON Core Data
The ICON Student Information System (eSIS) is designed to be the single source of truth for each student’s profile and core historical data.
The single source of truth for student profile data will enable efficient integration with other ICON applications eg ePlan, and government or system tools. eg VCAA Insight Assessment.
Because the 'source of truth' for student profile information will be in ICON eSIS, this core student data cannot be managed in third-party applications. If schools use other solutions for collecting core data they must ensure they have processes in place to accurately capture that data in eSIS and maintain the integrity of eSIS for compliance and other governance reporting.
Schools will be able to continue to use third-party applications to support learning outcomes. The ICON platform will allow other applications to access core student data in ICON eSIS via ICON API technology.
ICON Technology Platform - APIs
The ICON eLearn Strategy outlines that the ICON platform will enable schools to continue using selected third party applications that suit their context. The ICON platform will provide Application Programming Interfaces (API) technology which will allow third party applications integration with ICON. Questions about what this means for principals in relation to managing data and vendors is outlined in the ICON and Third Party applications fact sheet.
The first release of ICON (APIs) in July 2020 will enable third party application vendors to access relevant student profile data stored in ICON. This will enable schools to continue using selected third party applications that suit their context. Up-to-date student data will sync to the third party application.
The second release of ICON APIs during the second half of 2020 will provide interfaces to enable student data (attendance, timetable & semester reporting data) from third party applications to be brought back to ICON for use in ePlan.
The following vendors have been accredited by ICON to access relevant student profile data stored in ICON. (SIMON, nForma, Wonde, Softlink, VPass)
A benefit for schools using the ICON eLearn Modules for attendance and semester reporting is the effective integration of ICON processes with ePlan. Schools using ICON attendance and semester reporting modules do not have to rely on ICON APIs for this data to be available in ePlan.
Where schools are using third-party applications that do not use the ICON APIs to integrate with ICON eSIS there are export reports available in eSIS. Relevant student data can then be imported into the third-party application. (See FAQs below)
Information about ICON APIs for Vendors
Project Update - Vendors
This Project Update - Vendors November 2022, provides further information about our API work, exposed data endpoints (including our current and future work) and our future scope of work in this area.
The above information provides third party application vendors with the steps to begin the process of engaging with ICON and the ICON APIs.
More detailed documentation for vendors can be found by clicking here.
It will be the responsibility of third party vendors to communicate with their schools regarding the status of the development of their product for integration with ICON via APIs.
Vendor API Support Requests
ICON School principals will allow third party applications access to ICON via the ePortal. Principals will agree to terms and conditions regarding the integration of third party applications with ICON. In return the vendors must accept the terms and conditions.
Principals will be required to manage any issues that arise out of the connection with ICON and the third party application directly with their vendor.
Schools should refer their third-party vendor to this page. Particularly the Information about ICON APIs for Vendors section on this page.
ICON will work with vendors to resolve any technical issues .
API contact email: apisupport@macs.vic.edu.au
Frequently Asked Questions for Principals or School Staff.
If the school uses a third-party application, what if they are unsure if the application currently integrates with ICON using APIs?
In order to for schools to use ICON API (integration) with any third-party application, the school should contact their vendor who will advise them about the process to achieve this integration. If the vendor has not been accredited by ICON to integrate their application via ICON APIs schools can use an export report of student data from eSIS.
The following vendors have been accredited by ICON to access relevant student profile data stored in ICON. (SIMON, nForma, Wonde, Softlink, VPass).
If the school uses a third-party application that does not yet integrate with ICON via the ICON APIs, can student information be exported from eSIS to upload to the application?
Yes. For those applications that require student information from ICON eSIS there is a method of extracting data for 3rd party vendors directly from eSIS using Crystal reports. Refer to the QRG: Third-Party Vendor Data Export from eSIS. There is also a QRG: Export XML Student Data File from eSIS to nForma for schools using nForma for managing student learning.
If the school uses a third-party application to capture core student data will information updated in this application be able to integrate with ICON?
ICON will not have APIs available for core student information to flow from third-party applications back into ICON eSIS. ICON eSIS must be the 'source of truth' for core information about students. Therefore, core student information must be updated in ICON eSIS by school staff or the school should use the ICON Community Portal for parents to update student information. If schools choose to use other solutions for collecting core data they must ensure they have processes in place to accurately capture that data into eSIS and therefore maintain the integrity of eSIS for compliance and other governance reporting.
The school uses a third-party application that integrates with ICON via the ICON APIs. There seems to be a problem with the student data in the third party application?
Schools must contact their third-party vendor directly if there is an issue. Vendors will engage with ICON if there is a need to resolve technical issues related to APIs. Vendors will provide information about this to their schools.
Key References
The ICON eLearn Strategy Fact Sheet provides principals with clarity on the eLearn strategy and is critical in helping school leaders make decisions about eLearn technologies going forward.
The ICON and Third Party applications fact sheet provides principals with information about managing core data in ICON.
The ICON eLearn Modules fact sheet provides information for principals particularly in relation to the attendance and semester reporting modules within ICON. The use of these modules support seamless and efficient integration with ePlan.
The ICON Community Portal fact sheet provides principals with information about how the school community can access and update information about their children or students.